Get Up Early, Get Stuff Done

(Photo via Tony Alter)

Most highly successful people are especially productive in the morning hours. Before the work day starts, there are less interruptions, your mind and body are gearing up (not getting more tired – like after a big lunch!), there are no new tasks to start taking up your time, and there haven’t been any frustrations that have demotivated you.

The trick is getting up on time -which often feels impossible.

Nextshark put out a great post about how to wake up earlier which is a must read – especially if you’re like me and have trouble getting up early.


Have a Purpose

Most significantly, you need to have purpose. Without a specific reason to get up early, you just won’t. If you know you have a 7:00 meeting in the morning, you know that you’ll get up in time to eat, take a shower, and get out the door. It’s a matter of having a plan. If you say “I’m getting up at 5:00 to get something done,” you won’t. Everyone’s tried and you know it doesn’t work. If you set a plan the night before, your chances are exponentially higher of getting up the next morning a little bit earlier.
(As great as it sounds, sleeping in isn’t going to help you to get more done, or be any more productive…)


Get Some Help

And, a big tip that the folks at Nextshark left out – have someone that will do it with you. If you commit with a spouse, or just a friend that is going to work on this as well, you’re more likely to do it – Kind of like having a gym buddy. If someone else is depending on you, you’ll be up. So, write a blog with someone else. Have an exercise/weight loss competition. Schedule a 6:00am appointment. Do something that will force you to be accountable to someone else.

In all honesty, this isn’t something I’m particularly good at, but I’m going to set a goal to start this up this week (it’s a short week, so I figure the odds of success have to be higher, right?). Anyone else want to get in on the action and do stuff early?

What else is missing from the list? Is there anything you’ve found extra helpful?

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