Dear Girls,

I found this picture on line today.  Honestly, it was someone else that was thinking “really? come on…” that put it up when I saw it.  I’m pretty sure it’s fake, and so is just about everyone I’ve talked to.  It’s well known that photos in ads are SEVERELY edited anyway.  This is bringing it to absurd.  Sadly, I know that you are bombarded with images like this every day.  I’m sorry that my generation and the generation before is doing this to you.  It’s not fair to you.  It’s not right that this is what you need to see (because you can’t hide from it, unless you never come out of your room).  Here’s what I want you to know:

-This is not a real picture.  Even if the girl is truly very, very skinny, she  is still airbrushed and otherwise altered.  Nobody looks like this, not even her.

-I don’t know any guys that find things like this attractive.  Sure, different guys are attracted to different features physically.  I don’t know anybody that finds the “i’m so skinny that i’m unhealthy” look truly attractive.  That’s reality.

-Many people that actually do achieve a level of being incredibly thin, as you often see in ads, are both unhealthy physically and emotionally.  It begins to hurt their bodies, and they wind up not being happy with it.

-You want to attract the right things.  Obsessing so much on your appearance, regardless of you are inside, is going to ensure that your appearance is what is going to attract guys.  Is that how you want to: a) start a relationship and b) want to be known and loved for?

-Strive to be healthy, that’s a good thing.  If that means losing weight to be healthy, go for it.  If it’s to achieve the unattainable and be liked, that’s a flag.

-Work on your character.  Beauty fades.

-Your character is more important than what you look like anyway

-And, as my friend Laura said – “Sad. That girl will probably never know the joys of chocolate or pizza, or walking without falling over.”

I know it’s hard not to let images like this effect you.  Limit your intake of this stuff where you can.  Don’t buy garbage that continually promotes it.  Be you.  Trust me, you are loved.



Thanks to Jamie, I now have a before and after picture (kind of).  It’s the same model, two different pictures though

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